Materials e finishes
Bronze, brass, iron e steel

Le Fabric gives you the possibility to customise our products according to your taste, both in terms of materials (iron, brass, bronze and stainless steel) and in the choice of finishes and colours.
We give a future to materials full of history
In human history, the use of iron represents a turning point on the path of progress. Along with the production of tools for agriculture and craft, there was also a growth in the production of everyday objects, such as hinges, locks and doorhandles. This is how iron-working became a mixture of industrial practicality and artistic creativity, a combination that still exists today in the refined Italian industry of doorhandles, accessories and iron hardware, a practice that La Fabric perfectly and uniquely expresses.
The brilliance of brass
Say the word brass, and you think of doorhandles. Its malleability and ductility, combined with its resilience, have found it success in many areas, from the production of coins to that of sought-after accessories for furniture, doors and windows. It is also a material that, above all, “sounds good”, and for this reason it is used for the production of instruments such as trumpets and saxofones, which are known as brass instruments.
The charme of bronze
Bronze is a noble metal, used for creating valuable objects and pieces of art. Starting from red bronze and white bronze, it is possible to obtain different finishes that give this material diverse appearances, varying from natural bronze, to imperial green and antiqued bronze. What all of these finishes have in common is their level of resistance, including those exposed to external agents, and a fascinating quality that only increases over time.
The resistance of steel
Stainless steel is a durable material, resistant to corrosion, acid and abrasion. It does not rust, thanks to the components of the alloy that forms it, chrome and nickel, which form an invisible, passive layer. It is the ultimate hygienic material, making it perfect for the production of doorhandles, not only for its sought-after appearance, but also because it is resistant to bacteria.
Invecchiare con eleganza
L’aspetto dei materiali che trattiamo cambia naturalmente nel tempo. L’ ottone naturale e il bronzo sono materiali nobili ma sono vivi, mutano, invecchiano, migliorano con l’interazione dell’ambiente e con il quotidiano utilizzo. Consigliamo di seguire i nostri consigli di pulizia per i nostri prodotti, aiuteranno ad invecchiare mantenendo la bellezza della finitura.
La pulizia delle maniglie deve essere eseguita con un panno leggermente umido, sconsigliato di utilizzare pagliette, spazzole o dischetti abrasivi e di non utilizzare detergenti abrasivi o polveri. Non è idoneo utilizzare detergenti dedicati all’argento.

The finishes
The production of handles and customized products with our quality materials are made in the following finishes:
Imperial Green Bronze, Black Bronze, Natural Bronze, Antique Iron Bronze, White Bronze Antique Silver Bronze, Natural Brass with smooth industrial effect, Painted Brass, Polished Brass PVD, Polished Natural Brass, Satin Brass, Polished Chrome, Satin Chrome, Polished Black PVD, Matt Black PVD, Matt Black Soft Touch, Matt White, Glossy RAL and Custom Matt.

Finiture Luxury e PVD
La produzione di maniglie Le Fabric specializzata al settore della nautica, resort esclusivi , ville e chalet di lusso. I prodotti che vengono realizzati pertanto devono rispecchiare l’eleganza, la precisone e la cura per ogni singolo dettaglio. Alcuni progetti sono stati ultimati con finiture particolari per esaltare il pregio delle maniglie o per una necessità di resistenza. Il trattamento PVD è richiesto per garantire la stabilità delle finitura nel tempo. La resistenza di questa lavorazione applicare sulla superficie dei prodotti del catalogo per aumentare la alta qualità con caratteristiche di durezza e resistenza all’usura di utilizzo.
Le finiture Le Fabric sono perlopiù satinate, è possibile personalizzare le maniglie con finiture Lucide PVD. Per la serie Otta si è realizzata una collezione esclusiva su placca ed in finitura Cromo e Ottone Lucido PVD.